Synchronized oscillation and traveling wave in vertebrate segmentation
7月10日(火)13:30〜 理学部3号館6階数理生物学セミナー室
(at Room 3631, 6th floor of building 3 of the Faculty of Sciences)
n zebrafish somitogenesis, her gene expression shows oscillation,
synchronized over nearby cells, but not over the whole embryo. The
locations of high gene expression appear with regular interval and
move like a wave from posterior to anterior with the speed slowing
down near anterior end. Neighboring cells interact by Notch-Delta
system by which a cell with a higher her gene expression tends to
suppress the her gene expression in the adjacent cells, which might
suggest spatial pattern with adjacent cells of different gene
expression level. Here we ask whether and how the oscillation of her
gene expression can be synchronized between neighbors as observed
(in-phase mode). We examine the possibility of synchronized
oscillation for a model which considers kinetics of mRNA and proteins
explicitly. Second, we analyze traveling wave of her expression when
there is an anterior-posterior gradient of a parameter in the
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