Two ongoing projects with negative results

Takashi Uehara

09/3/16, 17:00 - 18:00 at Room 3631 (6th floor of building 3 of the Faculty of Sciences)

In this talk I introduce two ongoing projects I'll continue to study after leaving Kyushu University. The first topic is inbreeding avoidance relating with kin selection and cooperative behavior. The project started from an experimental result in human, which suggests sex difference in inbreeding avoidance. In the experiment only females showed inbreeding avoidance while males didn't. The second topic is genetic caste determination in an ant species Vollenhovia emeryi. Recently it was found that all females in reproductive caste were copies of a queen and all reproductive males were copies of a king in this species. Only workers of diploid gene had mixes of genes from the king and the queen. The sex ratio was largely male biased. To understand those sex difference and male biased sex ratio, we are trying to model the games between males and females, but currently we have only negative results inconsistent with the results of the experiment and the observation. Before leaving Fukuoka, please give any comments, suggestions or criticisms. Thank you.

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