My Papers

updated: July 25, 2003
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PAPERS IN ENGLISH with refrees

Nakamaru, M., Matsuda, H. & Iwasa, Y. (1997) The evolution of cooperation in a lattice-strucutred population. Journal of theoretical Biology 184, 65-81.

Iwasa, Y., Nakamaru, M. & Levin, S. A. (1998) Allelopathy of bacteria in a lattice population: competition between colicin-sensitive and colicin-producing strains. Evolutionary Ecology 12, 785-802.

Nakamaru, M., Nogami, H. & Iwasa, Y. (1998) Score-dependent fertility model for the evolution of cooperation in a lattice. Journal of Theoretical Biology 194, 101-124.

Nakamaru, M. & Iwasa, Y.(2000) Competition by allelopathy proceeds in traveling waves: colicin-immune strains aids colicin-sensitive strain. Theoretical Population Biology 57, 131-144.

Y. Iwasa, H. Hakoyama, M. Nakamaru, J. Nakanishi (2000) Estimate of population extinction risk and its application to ecological risk management Population Ecology 42 1, 73-80

M. Nakamaru, Y. Iwasa & J. Nakanishi. (2002) Extinction Risk to Herring Gull populations from DDT Exposure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21, 195-202.

M. Nakamaru & A. Sasaki. (2003) Can transitive inference evolve in animals playing hawk-dove game? Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222, 461-470.

Nakamaru, M., Iwasa, Y. & Nakanishi, J. (2003) Extinction Risk to Bird Populations Caused by DDT Exposure. Chemosphere (in print)

M. Nakamaru & M. Kawata. (2003) Evolution of rumors that discriminate lying defectors. Evolutionary Ecology Research (in press)


Nakamaru, M., H. Matsuda and Y. Iwasa. 1996. The evolution of cooperation in a lattice-structured population.Bussei Kenkyu 67:257-285.

Nakamaru, M., Matsuda, H & Iwasa, Y. 1997. The evolution of social interaction in lattice models. Sociological Theory and Methods 12: 151-164.

Nakamaru, M., Y. Iwasa, and J. Nakanishi. 2001. Ecological Risk of DDT - A case study of biomagnification causing extinction risk of herring gull in Long Island. Environmental Science Vol. 14: 61-72. (- Awarded paper by Environmental Science, 2001)


Nakamaru, M. (1999) Does the altruism evolve, interacting with neighbors? -the approach to this question by means of the computer and the mathematical model. Iden (Suppl.) 11: 141-149.

Nakamaru, M (2002) Spite behaviour and its evolutionary game analysis. In "Evolutionary game and its application", Edit. Saeki, T. & Kameda, T. Kyoritsu Publisher, Tokyo.

Nakamaru, M (2002) Ecological risk of DDT to the bird population. In "Envornmental risl management handbook". Edit. Nakanishi, J., Gamo, A., Kishimoto, A. & Miyamoto, K., Asakura Shoten, Tokyo.

Iwasa, Y. Hakoyama, H, & Nakamaru, M (2002) Extinction risk in one population. In "Ecological Modeling". Edt. Kusuda, T. & Iwasa, Y. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo

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