Bumble bees and egrets: A general model for central and flock foraging

Yukihiko Toquenaga (Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba)

at Room No.3521 (5th floor of the 3rd building of the Faculty of Sciences)

Central foraging has to solve simultaneously two contradicting problems; efficient foraging from an activity center (colony or roost) and efficient roosting to the center. Most theoretical models make light of the latter, and often simplify it as a straight- line motion of coming home. Organisms in nature are far from omniscient. They wander while coming home as well as foraging. I propose two types of models to predict colony/roost distribution of central foraging animals in variable resource environment. The first type is a spatial moving average model assuming omniscient foragers. This plays a role of a null model for rejecting omniscience. The second one is a configuration i-sate individual-based model (cIBM) using Random Urn Model (RUM) as a learning system. I apply the two models to data of bumble bees and egrets and estimate their colony distribution.