Seasonal adaptation of macroalgal life cycles - mathematical approach to heteromorphic and isomorphic alternation of generations -
08/11/4, 13:30 at Room 3631 (6th floor of building 3 of the Faculty of Sciences)
In most algal life histories patterns, biphasic life histories, haploid generations (gametophyte) and diploid generation (sporophyte) are physically independent. These generations alternate with each other by meiosis and zygosis. Macroalgal alternation of generations consists of 2 basic life cycle patterns, heteromorphic type and isomorphic type. In the heteromorphic type, only a haploid (gametophytic) stage or a diploid (sporophytic) stage shows visible alga body, and the other stage show microscopic body. On the other hand, isomorphic type, both stages are morphologically similar. These complex life histories characterize many macroalgae (Chlorophyceae, Rhodophyceae, and Phaeophyceae). In this study, we developed mathematical model for these 2 types of alternation of generations and analyzed it. Because biomass of many macroalgae decrease in summer, we interpreted macroalgal life histories as the results of adaptation against seasonal changes and assumed that growth rate of macroalgae depends on seasonal changes. In this time ME seminar, we present our model and results of model analyses.
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