Host-Parasitoid coevolution between camelliae japonica and curculio camelliae
井磧 直行
05/06/28, 13:30 at Room 3631 (6th floor of building 3 of the Faculty of Sciences)
In resent research, it come to be known that interspecific interaction or polymorphism plays an important role in evolution and many mathematical analyses and simulations exhibit co-evolutionary process (reference Sasaki 1999). In addition, Toju(Kyushu uni. science) attempt to proof of coevolution of host-parasitoid interaction between camelliae japonica and curculio camelliae in the field. curculio camelliae punches the pericarp using a developed rostrum and lays eggs into the seed. On the otherhand, camelliae japonica defends by thickening pericarp. Result of field observations, it was revealed that proportion between length of rostrum and pericarpical thickness suggests coevolution. And japonica's group that not invests their trait was also found. It accords one conclusion of Sasaki-Godfray model -coexistence both co-evolutionary population and zero resistance population-. In this study, I simulated and analyzed dynamics between camelliae japonica and curculio camelliae. By using a improved Sasaki-Godfray model for camelliae japonica and curculio camelliae which generalize host-parasitoid interaction on overlapping generation, I surveyed the case that defensive cost is higher than parasitism in consideration that pericarp volume is proportional to the third power of thickness.
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