
ME seminars (2017)


Estimation of divergence times when evolutionary rate varies.
Koichiro Tamura
Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University
2017/12/19, 15:30-17:00, at W1-D-1025
Dissemination of multidrug resistance via conjugative plasmid.
Yoshiharu Yamaichi
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), CNRS-Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE
2017/11/06, 13:30-, at W1-D-923
The genomic landscape at the later stages of speciation: insights from Japanese sticklebacks.
Mark Ravinet
CEES, University of Oslo, Norway
2017/10/18, 15:00-, at W1-D-208
Linking biodiversity, ecosystems, and people across scales: challenges for ecology and sustainability.
Michel Loreau
Centre for Biodiversity Theory and Modelling, Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station, UMR 5321 CNRS and Paul Sabatier University, France
2017/10/18, 15:00-, at W1-D-208
Eco-evolutionary feedback between size and strategy; alternative migratory tactics in salmonid.
Junnosuke Horita1 and Yuuya Tachiki1,2
1Kyushu University, 2Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, The University of Sheffield, UK
2017/10/03, 13:30-, at W1-C-909
Mathematical modeling of oncolytic virotherapy in combination with chemotherapy.
Kwang Su Kim1, Jungmin Lee1, Sangil Kim2,* and Il Hyo Jung1
1Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Busan, 609-735, South Korea, 2WISE Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 156-849, South Korea
2017/7/25, 13:30-, at W1-C-909
勝原光希, 丑丸敦史
2017/7/4, 13:30-, at W1-C-909
Number of infection events per cell during HIV-1 cell-free infection.
Yusuke Ito
Kyushu University
2017/2/14, 13:30-, at W1-C-909
Mathematical model of hematopoietic system with myeloid bypass.
Shoya Iwanami
Kyushu University
2017/2/7, 13:30-, at W1-C-9099
Evolution of density-dependent wing determination that is regulated by juvenile hormone level.
Takahiro Kamioka
Kyushu University
2017/1/31, 13:30-, at W1-C-909
