Huang YongJin
京都大学 大学院生
Huang YongJin
京都大学 大学院生
Valentin Journe
Adam Mickiewicz University ポスドク
The Mathematical Model of Population Dynamics of Larval Body sizes and Density Effects
Development of phenotyping methods for leaf venation of angiosperms and reconstruction of its latent space using a large-scale leaf image dataset
Seasonal Dynamics and its Climatic Drivers of Butterfly Community on Okinawa Island
Mathematical modeling of:viral dynamics and evolution under immune responses, and plant seasonal schedule of defense chemicals.
Synchronized spring fertilization: exploring the role of delayed fertilization and intermittent pollen tube growth in flowers blooming across seasons
Chih-hao Hsieh
台湾大学 教授
Victoria Sork
University of California, Los Angeles 教授
Yu-Yun Chen
国立東華大学 准教授
Effect of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus resource on the reproduction of Fagaceae: allocation strategies and seasonal expression profiles of their transporter genes (ブナ科樹木の生殖に対する炭素、窒素およびリン資源の影響:生殖器官における配分戦略およびそれらのトランスポーター遺伝子の季節的発現プロファイル)
Dynamics of somatic mutation accumulation during the growth of trees
Differences in bryophyte species richness between 10 sites with different elevations, 1 microenvironments, and vascular plant species richness
Studies the mechanisms of rhythmic reproduction in plants and animals for the future conservation
Theoretical morphological analysis of differential morphospace occupation patterns for terrestrial and aquatic gastropods
2D-3D cooperative leaf edge reconstruction
An integrated analysis of empirical and theoretical approach reveals sugar feedback via circadian clock and TOR signaling play an important role in the photoperiodic adjustment of starch metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana
Exploring the Genetic Basis of Structural Color Variation in Phelotrupes auratus(オオセンチコガネの構造色のバリエーションを生み出す遺伝的基盤の探索)
Development of a pipeline for pre-processing of bioimage analysis: mask image generation in 3D reconstruction
Multiple colonies of cancer involved in mutual suppression with the immune system.
Theoretical studies on alternative life-history tactics from a physiological and an eco-evolutionary perspective(生理学的及び進化生態学的観点からみた代替生活史戦術に関する理論的研究)
The roles of DNA repair and epigenetic regulation in plant longevity: Systematic comparisons of copy number variation of genes and seasonal gene expression dynamics
Quantitative analysis of HBV intracellular transition dynamics
Impacts of climate change on reproductive phenology in tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia
Escaping stochastic extinction of mutant virus: temporal pattern of emergence of drug resistance within a host
Comprehensive Search for Environmental Factors Regulating Population Dynamics of the Great Orange Tip Using a Method for Causality Detection in Time-series(時系列因果推論法を用いたツマベニチョウの個体数変動を制御する気象要因の網羅的探索)
Network feature-based phenotyping of leaf vein networks dicotyledons
Quantitative and predictive study of virus dynamics for understanding disease mechanisms(疾患メカニズム解明のためのウイルス感染動態の定量的・予測的研究)
Mathematical analysis for a multiscale model describes hepatitis C virus infection dynamics (C型肝炎ウイルス感染動態のマルチスケールモデルの数理解析)
Theoretical studies on health and diseases that originate from the responses to external factors
Quantitative and theoretical study on HIV-1 co-infection during cell free infection under heterogeneity of target cell population (標的細胞の感受性の不均一性を考慮したcell free感染におけるHIV-1同時感染に関する定量的理論的研究)
Quantitative comparison of leafing, flowering, and fruiting phenology in temperate and tropical montane plant communities(温帯と熱帯山地林の植物群集における展葉・開花・結実フェノロジーの定量的比較)
A quantitative analysis of cancer evolutionary dynamics by a multi-scale mathematical model
Theoretical study for evolution of signal, sensor, and decision making (シグナル、感覚器官及び行動決定の進化についての理論的研究)
Quantifying the life cycle of viruses for in vitro cell culture infection models (in vitroによるウイルス感染実験系を用いたウイルス生活環の定量的解析)