Gene-Protein Dynamics for Circadian Clock: Mathematical Study of Rhythm Generating Design and Temperature Compensation
Circadian rhythms are observed in many species from Drosophila to
humans. In Drosophila, per mRNA is synthesized by the transcription
of the per gene which is translated into PER protein in cytoplasm.
Huge amount of PER is accumulated in the cytoplasm before PER is
transported into the nucleus and suppress the expression of per gene.
[1] By comparing several models of different complexity, we prove
that a sustained oscillation is more likely to occur if the kinetics
the transport to the nucleus have cooperativity with a nonlinear
dependence on the substrate concentration.
[2] We show that the saturation in any of the reactions included in
the feedback loop (in-loop reaction steps) suppresses the
oscillation, whilst the saturation of degradation steps (branch
reaction steps) makes the oscillation more likely to occur.
[3] Free-running period of circadian clock is not exactly 24h. It is
not clear why the free-running period is of the order of 21.5h in
Neurospora and 24.2h in humans, instead of precisely 24h. From model
for circadian rhythms in Neurospora and Drosophila, we demonstrate
how the entrainment of these rhythms is affected by the free-running
period and by the amplitude of the external light-dark cycle.
[4] Free-running period of any organisms remains unchanged with
temperature increase. It is unknown which molecular process,
generating circadian rhythms does play most decisive role for
temperature compensated period. Through analyzing the elasticity of
free-running period with respect to reaction speed, we consider
plausible sensitivity of each reaction to temperature, which generate
temperature compensation of circadian period.